Time Is of the Essence When Your Season Is Limited
August 18, 2023

Time Is of the Essence When Your Season Is Limited

Summer is outdoor construction season in many parts of the U.S. Deck builders are especially prone to the limits of seasonal construction thanks to how the weather affects what they do. Needless to say that time is of the essence when your building season is limited. Enter the SPAX advantage.

As a deck specialist, you don't have time to waste on inefficient processes and callbacks. You need to maximize every working day from late spring through to early fall. Not only that, but you also need to be as efficient as possible. We have you covered with engineered fasteners that improve productivity, increase efficiency, and reduce the likelihood of being called back to redo your work.

Engineered for Better Performance

Our fasteners are engineered for performance. They offer a number of unique design characteristics that make them superior to other brands of deck screws. For example, SPAX engineered fasteners feature a revolutionary thread that eliminates the need to drill. You can drive SPAX fasteners directly into wood without fear of splitting the material.

Think of how much time you will save by not having to predrill holes. Even better, the structural integrity for which our fasteners are known makes it possible to reduce your fastener usage by up to 10%. If you normally install 350 screws for every 100 square feet of decking imagine reducing that number to 315 using our products.

With reduced splitting and fewer fasteners to install, you install decks faster without compromising quality. But why stop there? SPAX fasteners are engineered to require up to 40% less torque.

Reduced torque translates to better battery life. Better battery life translates to increased productivity. How so? Think about what happens when a contractor stops to switch out a battery. Maybe it's also time for a smoke break, a phone call, etc. Fewer battery changes mean more time on the job.

Make the Most of a Limited Season

A limited season for installing decks means cramming in as much work as you can over the summer months. The harder you work, the more opportunity you have to grow your business and increase profits. But working harder also comes with the temptation to reduce quality to get more work done in the same amount of time.

Our goal is to help you make the most of a limited season by increasing your productivity without compromise. Using fewer fasteners and not having to drill gives you and your team the opportunity to do more work in a single day. That is good for you and your customers.

We cannot emphasize enough that using SPAX fasteners allows you to do a better job in less time. You don't have to risk the quality your business is known for to push more work out during peak times. You do not have to compromise on giving your customers the absolute best. We don't.

You've Tried Everything Else

If you are the type of contractor who is always looking for new products that will improve your quality and productivity, the chances are pretty good that you have tried everything else. Perhaps you have even settled on a favorite brand of deck screws. We get it. Still, we invite you to take the SPAX challenge.

We believe SPAX fasteners will become your new fastener choice once you try them. No one makes a fastener quite like ours, one that's manufactured here in the U.S. and designed with German engineering. Get the best of both worlds in a fastener that we think will quickly become your choice after just one use.

Summer is the season for outdoor construction. It's your busiest time of year as a deck installer. Don't spend this season trying to push out a ton of work slowed by having to predrill holes and deal with splitting. Use a new kind of fastener that can be driven directly into wood safely and with a stronger hold than any other type of fastener.

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